The Lonely Cactus and His Desert Friends
english Friendship and Social Sat, 08 Mar
Good evening, Chiku! Did you know that a cactus can survive without water for years? That's right! Now, let me tell you a story about a lonely cactus who learns the value of friendship.
Once upon a time, in a vast, golden desert, there lived a tall, prickly cactus named Cactus Carl. Carl was the only plant for miles around, and he loved the quiet life. But one day, the desert sun was scorching hot, and a tiny mouse named Miko stumbled by, gasping for shade. 'Please, can I rest under you?' Miko asked. Carl hesitated but agreed. Miko thanked him and promised to return.
Days passed, and more desert friends—Viyaan the vulture, Nityam the snake, and Laddu the lizard—came to Carl for shade. Even Cookie Didi, the wise tortoise, and Coco, the curious fox, stopped by. They all brought stories, laughter, and joy to Carl's life. Soon, Carl realized that sharing his shade made him feel happy and no longer lonely.
From that day on, Carl welcomed everyone, and the desert became a lively place. The moral of the story, Chiku, is that kindness and friendship can turn even the loneliest cactus into a hero. Goodnight, my little ethical hacker, and remember—sharing makes the world a brighter place!