Sofia and the Magical Shoe Rhyme

english Daily Routines Fri, 07 Mar

Good afternoon, Sofia! Today, I have a magical story just for you. Did you know that there are shoes that can tie themselves? It’s like magic, but it’s real! Now, let’s dive into our story. Once upon a time, in a vibrant world called Colorland, there lived a little girl named Sofia. Sofia was a tiny fashion designer, just like you, and her favorite color was green. She loved creating beautiful outfits for her friends Sally, Gia, and her sister Rakhi. But Sofia had a problem: she couldn’t tie her shoe laces properly. Every morning, her shoes would look like a messy knot! One day, while she was playing with her favorite green origami paper, she found a magical rhyme written on a tiny piece of paper. It went like this: ‘Up and over, make a loop, Cross it over, pull it through. Up and over, make a bow, Now your shoes are tied just right!’ Sofia was excited! She tried the rhyme, and guess what? Her shoes were perfectly tied! From that day on, Sofia became the best at tying her shoes. She even taught her friends Sally, Gia, and Rakhi the magical rhyme. They all practiced every day, and soon, they were tying their shoes like pros! And Sofia? Well, she still loved her green origami and chocolate, but now she was also known as the little girl who could tie her shoes perfectly. The end. So, Sofia, remember the magical rhyme whenever you tie your shoes. Practice, and soon you’ll be tying them like a pro! Goodbye for now, and see you next time for another adventure!