Nitu the Young Air Traffic Controller

english Social and Emotional Skills Sun, 02 Mar

Good Evening, Nitu! Today, we're going to learn about the importance of greetings like 'hello' and 'goodbye.' Did you know that greetings are like keys that help us start and end conversations nicely? Now, let's dive into your exciting story. Once upon a time, there was a bright little girl named Nitu who loved airplanes. She wanted to be an Air Traffic Controller, guiding planes safely through the skies. One day, her friends Sneha and Priyam, along with her sister Rakhi, joined her in her imaginary control tower. Nitu greeted each friend warmly, saying, 'Hello, Sneha! Hello, Priyam! Hello, Rakhi!' Together, they learned how to communicate with pilots, using clear and friendly words. They practiced saying 'Goodbye' as planes departed, ensuring everyone felt safe and happy. As the day ended, Nitu stood tall, knowing she had helped her friends understand the importance of greetings. She waved goodbye to her friends, saying, 'Goodbye, everyone! Fly high!' And so, Nitu became the best Air Traffic Controller in the land, always remembering to say 'hello' and 'goodbye' with a smile. Goodbye, Nitu! Have a wonderful day!